Fundraising for YWMF

The Yorkshire Wolds Music Foundation is a CIO founded in 2022 with the aim of making quality musical experiences of all kinds availabe to all, regardless of background or financial situation. To this end most events are either free at source, delivered at cost price or operate a fee remission/sliding-scale policy. All profits from our activities are fed back into our work, and the Foundation is currently run entirely by volunteers.

We strive to achieve outstanding value for money; that being said, we honour the contributions of our excellent educators, musicians and creatives with fair pay. Most of the people who work with us are based in Hull and the East Riding, as we feel that it's important to celebrate the wealth of local talent and to feed back into the region's economy.

Private Donations

All donations are very gratefully recieved.

Should you wish to make a small donation, please click the button below to get to our gofundme page.


Become a patron of YWMF to receive updates and qualify for earlybird tickets & discounts. 

There are three levels of membership:

Gold - pay £75 and receive 40% off all events*, plus free refreshments when available

Silver - pay £60 and receive 25% off all events*, plus free refreshments when available

Bronze - pay £40 and receive 10% off all events*, plus free refreshments when available

Sign up here and we will be in touch to arrange payment. Once payment is complete we will send you your membership card.


* excludes free events and competition entries

You can sponsor an event, a specific element of our work or simply decide on an amount that feels right for you or your company.

In thanks, and depending on the extent of your investment, you will receive an array of benefits such as official acknowledgment in our Festival brochure, free advertisement opportunities, free or discounted tickets to concerts and corporate hospitality opportunities.

Please visit our dedicated sponsorship page here